Tuesday, May 8, 2012

5 months later & a baby shower

It's official, keeping up with two blogs is nearly impossible... Well... not impossible, just time consuming. At first, I was like, "Ah, I will just post professional images and update my photography blog." But then there were times when I catch myself wanting to express myself in ways that I can not on my photography blog; things that were too personal and slightly unprofessional. So I'm back! To rant and rave on whatever non sense I find entertaining or what's going on in my, oh so ordinary life. And boy... does it feels good to write again. I love it. I know blogging/journals aren't for every one... but for me, it's like therapy (the good kind).

To give an update will just be horrendous... instead let's start when this past weekend, Cassie's baby shower. Yes! Cassandra is preggers. My best friend since 3rd grade is having a baby boy, named Noah. I can not wait to meet him so I can smother him with love and gifts.

It's crazy how fast we are all growing up. 10 years ago, bills, work and family wasn't much of a concern. We were still in high school, talking about the next big party, trying to skip that one class we hated or who liked who and did what? Our priorities changed. We changed. We are becoming adults and having babies! Ahhh!

I know that Cassandra and Hector are going to be such great parents. They are smart, loving and caring individuals. I pray nothing but love and health for their soon to be family. And I can not wait to be titi x3 now! So exciting!!!

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